domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Halloween Contest

The LII's Halloween Contest was celebrated in the UACJS, it was a contest where to much participant were with a costum for the 1st place

The event was amazing, so the weachet wasnt very good it had to be cancelled before time, but the fun and the furor from the student and participants were excepcionally

The winners were de 1st place the Deadth Bride, 2nd the Devil Doll and the 3rd place for the Scary Clown

About... Halloween

Though the origin of the word Halloween is Christian, the holiday is commonly thought to have pagan roots. Historian Nicholas Rogers, exploring the origins of Halloween, notes that while "some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called Parentalia, it is more typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain", which comes from the Old Irish for "summer's end".Samhain (pronounced sah-win or sow-in) was the first and most important of the four quarter days in the medieval Gaelic (Irish, Scottish and Manx) calendar. It was held on or about October 31 – November 1 and kindred festivals were held at the same time of year in other Celtic lands; for example the Brythonic Calan Gaeaf (in Wales), Kalan Gwav (in Cornwall) and Kalan Goañv (in Brittany). Samhain is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and many important events in Irish mythology happen or begin on Samhain. It marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the 'darker half' of the year.This was a time for stock-taking and preparing for the cold winter ahead;cattle were brought back down from the summer pastures and livestock were slaughtered. In much of the Gaelic world, bonfires were lit and there were rituals involving them.Some of these rituals hint that they may once have involved human sacrifice. Divination games or rituals were also done at Samhain.
Samhain (like Beltane) was seen as a time when the 'door' to the Otherworld opened enough for the souls of the dead, and other beings such as fairies, to come into our world. The souls of the dead were said to revisit their homes on Samhain. Feasts were had, at which the souls of dead kin were beckoned to attend and a place set at the table for them. Lewis Spence described it as a "feast of the dead" and "festival of the fairies". However, harmful spirits and fairies were also thought to be active at Samhain. People took steps to allay or ward-off these harmful spirits/fairies, which is thought to have influenced today's Halloween customs. Before the 20th century, wearing costumes at Samhain was done in parts of Ireland, Mann, the Scottish Highlands and islands, and Wales. Wearing costumes may have originated as a means of disguising oneself from these harmful spirits/fairies, although some suggest that the custom comes from a Christian or Christianized belief (see below). In Ireland, people went about before nightfall collecting for Samhain feasts and sometimes wore costumes while doing so.In the 19th century on Ireland's southern coast, a man dressed as a white mare would lead youths door-to-door collecting food; by giving them food, the household could expect good fortune from the 'Muck Olla'. In Moray during the 18th century, boys called at each house in their village asking for fuel for the Samhain bonfire.[24] The modern custom of trick-or-treating may have come from these practices. Alternatively, it may come from the Christian custom of souling (see below).
Making jack-o'-lanterns at Halloween may also have sprung from Samhain and Celtic beliefs. Turnip lanterns, sometimes with faces carved into them, were made on Samhain in the 19th century in parts of Ireland and the Scottish Highlands.As well as being used to light one's way while outside on Samhain night, they may also have been used to represent the spirits/fairies and/or to protect oneself and one's home from them. However, a Christian origin has also been proposed.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012


Name: Evelyn Gabriela Ramírez Medina                                      Date: October 26th, 2012.
Movie Report
Title of the movie: Paranormal Activity.
Director: Oren Peli.
Producer:  DreamWorks, Jason Blum.
In September 2006, a young couple Katie and Micah have recently moved to the suburbs. Katie claims that an "evil" presence has haunted her periodically since childhood and believes that it is still following her. Each night, Micah mounts a video camera on a tripod in their bedroom to record any activity that occurs while they sleep. The first night, the camera records running footstep noises. Katie hires psychic Dr. Fredrichs, who assesses that she is being haunted not by a ghost but by a demon. He says the demon feeds off negative energy and its intent is to torment Katie no matter where she goes. He advises them not to taunt or communicate with the demon and to contact demonologist Dr. Johann Abrams for help. Though Katie seems interested in the situation, Micah does not take it seriously.
Main Characters:
1.- Katie Featherston 
Katie Featherston, a native Texan, was born on October 20, 1982. She has a younger brother and a younger sister back home along with a family to whom she is very close. Katie attended Southern Methodist University where she majored in acting. After graduating with a BFA in 2005, she moved to Los Angeles. 
2.- Micah Sloat 
Sloat was born in Westport, Connecticut as the oldest of six siblings. He obtained his bachelor's degree in Philosophy from Skidmore College in 2004. 
A haunted house makes no secret of the fact it's not pleased with its new tenants in this independent tale of supernatural horror. Katie and Micah are a twenty-something couple who've just moved into a new home in San Diego, CA. Katie has an interest in the paranormal and believes that malevolent spirits have been following her since childhood, though Micah is not so easily convinced. However, after several nights of loud noises and strange happenings, Micah starts to agree with Katie that some sort of ghost may have followed them to the new home. After a paranormal researcher tells the couple he can't help them, Micah decides to take control of the situation and sets up a battery of video cameras so that if a spirit manifests itself, he can capture its behavior on tape. Once the surveillance cameras are in place, Katie and Micah bring in a Ouija board in an effort to talk to the spirits, a move that deeply offends the ghosts.
How did the story ends?
In the last night Katie gets out of bed and stands beside it staring at Micah for approximately two hours and then walks downstairs. After a moment of silence, Katie screams Micah's name, waking Micah who rushes to her. The camera records Katie screaming incessantly. Then Katie's screaming stops and a brief silence is followed by the sound of heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. After another brief silence, Micah's body is violently hurled at the camera, knocking it over sideways and revealing Katie standing in the doorway. She then slowly walks into the room, her clothing soaked with blood. Crouching over his body, she sniffs Micah's body and then slowly looks up at the camera with a sly smile. As she lunges toward the camera, her face takes on a demonic appearance just as the scene cuts to black. An epilogue text states that Micah's body was discovered by the police on October 11, 2006, and that Katie's whereabouts remain unknown.
Did you like the movie? Why or Why not?
A little bit, it is not too scary as other scary movies but it’s entertaining some parts of the movie because it has parts where are scary but some others are funny the way they’ve made it. 
On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) where would you rate this movie?
I give them a 4 because it is not too scary as they say.





Decimos que un producto es de calidad cuando reúne un conjunto de propiedades que lo hacen mejor que otros de su clase y consigue los resultados para los que fue fabricado. Igualmente, hay calidad en la educación cuando las instituciones cumplen con el conjunto de propiedades que satisfacen las necesidades educativas, tanto las impuestas por el marco legal, como las exigidas por la comunidad actual y si, comparada con otro sistema educativo semejante, se puede distinguir como mejor. Ver más...
Ahora es posible, le invitamos a participar del más novedoso sistema de bilingüismo existente en el país y hacer de su institución un colegio bilingüe de alta calidad educativa. Sin cambiar docentes, ni plan de estudios, ni modificar cargas académicas ni horarios, sin grandes inversiones de dinero, sin que ninguno de sus estudiantes quede por fuera del programa. Ver más...
A diferencia de otros programas, el bilingüismo no se hace gradualmente, año por año, sino que se empieza simultáneamente, con todos los grados desde primero hasta once, desde el primer día de clase. Esto significa que ningún grado queda por fuera del programa (con el sistema tradicional se empieza por primero primaria y, los demás cursos, desde segundo hasta once, quedan por fuera del programa. El año siguiente el grado primero entra a segundo y continúa el proceso grado por grado, tomando en total de once a trece años llegar al 100%). Ver más...
Docentes bilingües especializados 100% subsidiados sólo por iniciar su proceso de bilingüismo con uno de nuestros textos. Profesores de inglés especializados entransversalidad bilingüe, pagados totalmente por nosotros, laborando ocho diarias de lunes a viernes durante todo el año, sin relación laboral con el colegio.Ver más...


2.- Books Company Ltda.

Tanto las instituciones educativas como los estudiantes aprenden practicando y reciben un completo programa de calidad educativa que integra 10 importantes áreas para su formación académica. Todas las clases son 100% activas, conversacionales y entretenidas.


El programa de calidad educativa cubre aspectos en forma transversal aplicados a la educación inclusiva, al bilingüismo a la ciencia y la tecnología y a la formación integral del ser en general. Es por esto que el programa se convierte en una gran ayuda para complementar los programas existentes en los planteles educativos, o en su defecto, para ser implementados en caso de su ausencia.

Docentes de tiempo completo Gratis para el Colegio.


Por la adopción de uno de nuestros programas educativos en su institución, a partir del presente año enviaremos a uno o más docentes especializados en bilingüismo y calidad educativa (depende del número de estudiantes del plantel) para que estén disponibles todos los días del año lectivo en jornada continua. Estos docentes trabajan con nuestra metodología TPA en forma bilingüe con los estudiantes y con los docentes mediante talleres prácticos en las diferentes áreas. Trabajamos talleres bilingües con el personal administrativo y de servicios generales y enviamos supervisión permanente durante todo el año, así como asesores profesionales en calidad educativa y bilingüismo, todo lo anterior sin ningún costo para el colegio y sin contratos de permanencia.


3.- OM Personal Inglés Multimedia en 

Los 10 cursos de esta página son totalmente bilingües, multimedia, interactivos, realmente divertidos y prácticos y, seguramente como tus estudiantes lo requieren, MUY CORTOS y TRADUCIDOS. El curso OM START para Principiantes, por ejemplo, es de muy buena calidad y contiene cientos de audios y ejercicios todos con respuestas. 

Al finalizar un curso --desde Principiantes y Básico, pasando por los tres niveles Intermedios y Avanzado hasta First Certificate o Toefl Test-- puedes enviar a este portal la lista de tus estudiantes que desean presentar gratuitamente su examen final.

Si lo aprueban, le extenderán a cada alumno aprobado un certificado-estímulo

Yo y mi Experiencia con Blogger =D

Hola a todos mis lectores, mi nombre es Evelyn Gabriela Ramirez Medina, soy de Tampico, Tamaulipas. Tengo 22 años y estudio actualmente la carrera de Licenciado en Idioma Inglés. Tengo una niña de 1 año 5 meses y un esposo a los que amo! :)

Para ser sincera, no estoy muy familiarizada con la creación de blogs, e incluso ni muy familiarizada con la computación, pero tuve que aprender ya que es un trabajo para la materia de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pero con la ayuda de unos cuantos tutoriales en youtube y explicaciones de compañeros pude logar crear mi blog y empezar a personalizarlo poco a poco, espero y me quede super bien y les guste a todos los que me siguen, visitan y leen

La verdad es muy interesante como se crean este tipo de espacios donde las personas compartimos imagenes, musica y formas de pensar.


Hola a TODOOOS!!!

Soy Evelyn Ramírez

GRACIAS! por visitar mi blog! :)